Monday, January 18, 2010

Lake Livingston Texas

It's that time of year again! Tax-time, that is, and people everywhere are searching for the perfect opportunity to invest their hard earned money, but what to invest in, is the question.

In an economy like the one we are living in today, one of the best investments around is real estate.

Real Estate, especially around a lake where one can relax and play, is one of the best investments an individual can make. So, the next question you may have is where?

Lake Livingston, in the great state of Texas, is just the place for you to bring your family to play and relax. It is located approximately 80 miles North of Houston and 175 miles South of Dallas making it a perfect center for your vacation get away!

The lake is the second largest in Texas, with 450 miles of shoreline and 93,000 acres of water coverage, this lake is never over-crowded. It is maintained at a constant water level by the Trinity River authority and averages 23 feet in depth, except near the dam, where the deepest part is 90 feet deep.

Lake Livingston offers many amenities including boating, water-skiing, camping, biking and year around fishing, with many variety of fish including bass, catfish and crappie.

With several small communities surrounding Lake Livingston, there is sure to be a vacation or retirement home, whether extravegant or modest, to fit your desires.

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